Thursday, July 13, 2006


Below are a few photos of my garden. My "skills of a photographer" are not nearly up to par with my roommate's, but I thought I'd snap some shots to prove to Erika that indeed I do have a garden and that it is marvelous. Of course, as he is wont to do, Sebastian had to sneak into a shot and stretch it out, which probably shadows the wonderfulosity of the tomato plant in the foreground. There are 16 tomato plants (4 varieties), 1 thyme plant, 4 jalapeno plants, 4 habanero plants, and 2 banana pepper plants. The habaneros refuse to yield any fruit, but the other peppers are doing well and if you look closely, you can see that not only are the tomatoes doing well (with the exception of the romas), there are many little buddies sprouting: my garden's promise of plenty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you. I believe you now.