Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas Blog

I've been pretty good all year. Allow me to list some of the highlights:

1. I won the Samuel Westfall Graduate Student Travel Fellowship
2. I got all 'A's
3. My summer was productive: I maintained a garden and started learning a new language
4. I forfeited my spring break to dogsit for a friend
5. I volunteered my time to become Co-director of IU's Human Intelligence Website
6. I made several gestures of goodwill, though not all were appreciated
7. I did my roommate's dishes when he was too hung over to do them himself
8. I never missed a day of work
9. I more or less donated my bed to two young ladies who did not have one
10. I vowed not to download music or movies illegally (and I haven't since then)
11. I housed a homeless person for the better part of 3 weeks.

Anyway, I guess what I am saying is that the christmas season is upon us and it is a time not only for self-reflection, but it is a time to think about others. Therefore, I provide a link to my Amazon Wishlist.

My Amazon Wishlist


Matthew D Dunn said...

Erika did my dishes.

Brian said...

I issue a correction here. After some reflection, it seems that in fact it was I who did the dishes. Any dishes she did were probably mine and the result of the mess I made cooking. I had cleaned the kitchen prior to preparing my succulent duck with date infused, veal demi glace.

Matthew D Dunn said...

Doing dishes is transitive. Ergo, she did my dishes.