Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I'm quite curious who the person from Poland is who keeps reading my blog. Do I know someone in Poland? I can't imagine this blog appealing to anyone much less a person I don't know from Poland.


Anonymous said...

I'm one of your former students. I started reading this when I was (suffering) in your class--you might want to block your facebook profile--and have continued because I am amused by your dialogues with your dog and and your rather weak Russia-related analogies.

Brian said...


Is there something on my facebook worth hiding? I take it you were the one who commented on my post about vegetarianism, taking issue with my (polemical) remark about soviet collective farms. Of course, the analogy was loose and nothing in the argument hinged on it. But I'm glad you were amused nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

Wow, and you're just as much of a jerk as I remember you being. Ahh, the good ol' days...

P.S. How did you know who I am?

Brian said...

My google-fu is strong. And I have a good memory.

Unknown said...

Well, now you have a Croatian reader as well. :)