Thursday, December 13, 2007

And all this time I thought the Devil was on my side.

That's right, you guessed it, Duke has turned its back on me. Coach K, we were so close to realizing our dream of forming an unstoppable, platonic basketball coaching deadly force.

Northwestern, I'll miss you dearly. You are a beacon of hope amid the tyranny that is the city of Chicago's ban on foie gras. I had imagined evenings in Evanston dining on succulent seared foie gras with a 25 year balsamic vineger as I peered at the Chicago skyline pittying the poor souls who allow their city government to legislate morality and diet. This ban on what is nothing short of artistry, is cenorship.

Siena, you are a small Jesuit college in upstate New York. No hard feelings.

UNC, I thought for sure that you and Duke would, for the mere sake of rivalry, fight over me. It seems that the only rivalry going on in this area is who can reject me faster. Sadly, the tar heels take it.

Wisconsin, it is very cold where you are, and your rejection has, I'm sure, a Sobering effect.

NYU, I'm out of your league. (implied by 'x is out of y's league if and only if y is out of x's league')

So, it is a race to see who will be next. Will it be the Jersey boys from New Brunswick? Those beautiful belles from Charleston? Perhaps it will be the liberal artists from Carleton (also cold there). The Buckeyes are looking strong this season as are the fighting Irish. The scene in Seattle still has not died, and Davis may yet call. And we can't discount o' fair New Mexico or [getting lazy] Southern California.

That leaves 9.

UPDATE: Buckeyes just came in! Thanks for the implicit rejection!

That leaves 8.

UPDATE: I apparently forgot that I also applied to Bryn Mawr, Princeton, and UCLA. Also, New Mexico has scheduled on-site interviews, so I can mark them off my list.

That leaves 10.

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