Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Things falling into place

Little Rock, Arkansas; Airport.

It would have cost $500 dollars to get a flight a day later to Baltimore on Southwest. Funny. Southwest just paid ME nearly $300 to take a flight 4 hours later because they overbooked my original flight. If I am bumped again, I may very well get to fly a day later anyway, get a free hotel, and another flight voucher. That is unlikely, but at least I got $300 toward another ticket.

Though my original plans fell through, something has finally gone my way. A former colleague of mine who will be at the APA meeting in Baltimore has offered to let me share her room with her. I just found this out. So, it seems that I will not have to sleep in the airport tonight, as my anticipated hotel costs were just drastically diminished. Happy day.

I saw Matt Dunn's doppelganger in this airport. It was scary. I wish I had my camera on me. This is moment #3 in which I have wished I had a camera phone. Matt, this dude totally looked like you. You need to hunt him down. There can be only one.

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