Wednesday, December 05, 2007

You can't build a fence around the soul of a man.

I don't know what that means, but it was in a great movie I saw last night entitled "Henry Fool." It is a very quotable movie and I recommend it to all (except my mother who hates every movie I like, even "Little Miss Sunshine").

So, here's the most recent in job news. I applied to 29 schools. Here are those who have set up interviews (with others) already (meaning they have no love for me):

Wells College
Tilburg University
Rice University
Yeshiva University
University of Connecticut

This leave the following schools:

Princeton, Rutgers, NYU, Cornell, UNC, Duke, U of South Carolina, U of Western Ontario, Cal State, Carleton College, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Siena College, Syracuse University, UC Davis, UCLA, U of Washington, Washington U, Virginia Tech, U of Southern California, U of Wisconsin, and U of New Mexico.

The first 6 of these schools are almost certain to reject me, especially if I couldn't even get an interview with Yeshiva (though not being Jewish might have hurt me there, who knows) or Wells, neither of which have a philosophy department that approaches the caliber of those 6 institutions. I'd say my chances are also pretty slim at UCLA, Northwestern, and Wisconsin. It would be totally awesome if I had to do this all over again next year. Part of the problem is that this year there were very few philosophy of science jobs, and what jobs there were, tended to be at very strong departments (i.e., not for the entry-level candidate such as myself).


Anonymous said...

No news is good news. If you haven't heard back yet, that means you're still moving along in the hiring process at those other schools. It's inevitable that you're going to get an amazing job. Because of the sangfroid.

Anonymous said...

What a great thought provoking quote! I will check out the movie. But there have been several movies you recommened that I really enjoyed! Of course I do agree that none of them have been your more recent suggestions or productions. I must be losing my sense of humor. Don't get discouraged about the job search. You are a wonderful catch. It will happen. Trust ms.....I am your mother.