Wednesday, February 20, 2008


A sichyashun has arosen. Actually, I've known about it for some time, but now it seems that I must do something about it. I become officially illegal in about 5 weeks. Problem: I'm not slated to come back home for another 10 weeks or so. If I stay, then I'll be slapped with a lofty fine and possibly banned from all Schengen countries (most of the EU, including the Netherlands). There's no way to extend a tourist visa and it is too late (and would have been too expensive) to get a residency permit. This wouldn't be so bad were I not applying for a postdoc over here and if I did not have so many research contacts over here. Moreover, I have grand plans of visiting other Schengen countries with Tyson in the coming summers. It seems I have a couple options:

1. Leave early. This is the most reasonable option as it does not run the risk of fines and problems with coming back. The cost of changing my ticket is likely to be expensive.

2. Stick it out. This runs the aforementioned risks. One way of possibly getting around it is to report my passport as stolen and get a replacement. Then there is no record of my date of entry. Technically this is fraud, and so I'm not inclined to do it.

So, yeah. Sucks. However, it does mean that I get to see basty sooner than expected and I won't have to pay my brother as much for watching him. It also means that I can tie up some loose ends in Bloomington post haste.

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