Saturday, February 02, 2008


Below are a few photos I took of my room and Tilburg. Looking out my window you can see the building where my office is. It is a 2 minute walk. Very nice. They have free coffee in there, but I'll save all that until the next blog when I post pictures of my office, the coffee machine, and the building. I have a roommate named "Carlo" from Italy. He is a first year Ph.D. student. Good kid. Today we walked around the city together. I bought a phone finally, which I hope I can sell when I leave to help cover the cost of the phone. I got the cheapest on in stock and it was 49 euros. Pricy. I'd take a picture of it, but it is not that exciting. Speaking of pictures, sorry about the unrotated picture of the church below. I don't know how to rotate. I did it within my camera, but when I uploaded it, it just gave me the unrotated version. Ok, gotta go check on the sausages. More soon.

It seems that everything in Tilburg is blue and gray. I kind of like that. And with few exceptions, most buildings look new and interesting architecturally.

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