Monday, January 28, 2008


As Matt has noted, my recent deluge of posts has slowed to a trickle. There are various reasons for this though one of them is not that I have nothing to report. On Friday I move to Tilburg where I will reside for 3 months. Tomorrow I must vacate my flat and move across town (closer to work) because my lease at this place ends, but I cannot occupy my place in Tilburg until Friday. A professor in the department here was gracious enough to let me crash at his place for the 3 nights. I'll miss this apartment, the neighborhood, and the few people that have shared the building with me over the past 3 weeks.

Other news: today I found out that a paper of mine has been accepted for publication at a peer-reviewed journal. The reviewers, all of whom thought the paper was interesting and well-written, have called for some revisions that I think will be a bit time consuming. But if I just reserve it for weekend work, it should only take about a month to get through the revisions. Reviewer #1 was quite long-winded and I think he actually hated the letter of the paper, even if he liked its spirit. If he is correct in his complaints, then there are some major booboos that may make for a considerable overhaul. Then there is the logistical problem of finding the sources again. The main paper I discuss in my own paper is a whopping 90 pages long and I don't think that I brought it with me. It is also not available online.

In any case, when I get it done, that'll be 2 forthcoming publications that I got under my belt while I was here. Then there's the nascent paper currently in development. If that gets done and is favorably received, that'll be 3. My advisor is pushing me to publish something is a squarely philosophical journal (the other journals are psychology and measurement journals). I have something I can send out as soon as I get his comments. If *that* works out too, then we'll be at 4. If I can't get a job with 2-4 publications, then I give up. Back to McDonald's or Subway for me.

No pictures for this post, unfortunately.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

You know that ILL will scan and email you documents if you are abroad, right? Just put a note in the request saying you aren't on campus. You might have to submit it in a two part request though as they're generally happier to scan and email two shorter documents than one large one.