Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Okay, Matt. You wanted some pictures of my place. I still have not been in the kitchen, so you'll have to wait for that. It is dark, so I don't want to be flashing shots outside, but tomorrow I will go out on my balcony and snap a few. One downside: the previous tenants did not do a good job of cleaning the bathroom. There are whiskers in the sink and, like most Dutch bathrooms I've been in, it smells something foul. The treats on the desk are dinner tonight: cheese sandwich and indonesian sandwich (which smells like Sebastian, but doesn't taste nearly as good as you might think). I love how Spartan the place is. It makes me want to take on an ancient Persian army and become a logical positivist.

Note to self: pack more economically. I don't need all these effin' clothes and the suitcases were a bitch to haul around town. 15 euros for a 1.5 mile cab ride is ridiculous.

Oh, and a shout out to my bros at the airline industry who broke one of my suitcases! That'll make it extra easy to get all this crap back home.

1 comment:

Matthew D Dunn said...

Very nice Brian. Keep 'em coming. I particularly like how your new bed is not much of a departure from your old bed. You'll sleep well.

And I find it hard to believe a sandwich that smells like Sebastian isn't the best thing you've ever put in your mouth.